On-line bank transfer
Our bank:
Sort code 40-09-19
Account 41297708
Credit or Debit card
Use this button to donate with any credit or debit card, or Paypal.
By Cheque
Please make cheques payable to Bath Cancer Unit Support Group and send to Mr Mike Coombs, Honorary Treasurer, 10 Horseshoe Walk, Widcombe, Bath, BA2 6DE
Why not Gift Aid it? Gift Aiding adds 25% to your donation at no cost to you.
CAF Bank
Use our online payment portal at the Charities Aid Foundation Bank clicking this button:
Make a Standing Order
Print this Standing Order form, complete and sign it, and post it to:
Hon Treasurer
10 Horseshoe Walk
Peoples Fundraising
Use our online payment portal at Peoples Fundraising by clicking this button:
Leave a gift in your will
Including Bath Cancer Unit Support Group in your will could be the most amazing gift you ever give.
Your legacy will improve the quality of cancer services delivered by the Royal United Hospital.
There are three main types of legacies, you can give:
– a share of your estate eg 20%,
– a specific sum of money
– or a specific item.
It is essential that your will includes the full name of the charity, namely “Bath Cancer Unit Support Group” and the Charity Commission number, 292643.
Bequests to charity in your will are exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT) if your estate is liable to pay that tax. Also if you decide to leave at least 10% of your net estate in total to charities, the rate of IHT on the chargeable part of your estate will reduce from 40% to 36%.
You need to take professional advice about any of these matters.
First decide on how much you wish to donate. The amount must be either £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10.
Say you decide to donate £4. So text the message “BCUS16 £4” to 70070. Please leave a space between the number 6 and the £ sign.
Copyright: Bath Cancer Unit Support Group.
All rights reserved.
Registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, No 292643
19A Westwood Road
BA14 9BR
Thanks to:
Krystal Hosting for free website hosting.
Pearson May for their continued support.
Geoff Parselle for many of our photographs.