The Bath Cancer Unit Appeal was started in 1979 by farmer Chris Norman from Shepton Mallet when he heard that the cancer unit at the RUH would likely be closed down and transferred to Bristol. Several oncologists and Shepton Mallet’s Round Table supported the charity with its plan to raise funds to purchase a Linear Accelerator, which is the equipment used to provide Radiotherapy. Cancer treatments remained at Bath and it is now one of the four main areas of medical care at RUH.
Following on from the success of the appeal Bath Cancer Unit Support Group was formed in September 1985. Both charities now share the same Trustees.
The RUH provides acute treatment and care for a catchment population of around 500,000 people in Bath and the surrounding towns & villages in North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire and North & West Wiltshire.
As a result of having no premises or employees and being run by a small group of volunteers who generally fund their own expenses, BCUSG has very low overheads with around 90-95% of funds raised going directly to projects. BCUSG has 14 trustees and around 100 volunteer fundraisers.
Senior health professionals in the Oncology and Radiotherapy Units at the RUH put forward project business cases, approved by the RUH’s senior management, to the trustees of BCUSG for approval and fundraising.
Since being formed in 1985 BCUSG has raised more than £6 million and successfully completed numerous projects unable to be funded by the NHS, that make a real difference for local cancer patients.
Please note: If you are an individual looking for help, advice or information about living with cancer or cancer treatment please contact Macmillan Cancer Support.
Oncology Services at the RUH
The department specialises in treating Cancer and Haematology disorders. Doctors, specialist nurses and pharmacists and radiographers see patients in the department which is situated in RUH North, Department A12.
The clinics are arranged to see new patients, patients on treatment and follow up.
The waiting room is used for patients attending clinics, waiting for radiotherapy treatment and chemotherapy treatment.
Drinks and biscuits are and provided by the Bath Cancer Unit Support Group and served by volunteers during the clinics.
Bath Cancer Unit Support Group Support Branches
We are keen to encourage new branches to be established to cover all areas under the RUH’s remit. We have very successful branches in Trowbridge and Frome which organise local fundraising activities. We are keen to increase our representation in our surrounding towns and villages. Small groups are currently considering the launch of new Branches in Chippenham and North Wiltshire and also in Bath
Copyright: Bath Cancer Unit Support Group.
All rights reserved.
Registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, No 292643
19A Westwood Road
BA14 9BR
Thanks to:
Krystal Hosting for free website hosting.
Pearson May for their continued support.
Geoff Parselle for many of our photographs.